
This documentation details the steps to integrate *Radware Bot Manager anti-bot solution at your HAProxy load balancer.

*ShieldSquare is now Radware Bot Manager


  1. Ensure that you have created an account in the Radware Bot Manager portal before getting started
  2. LUA version 5.3.x
  3. HAProxy (version 1.8.0 to 1.8.8) compiled with LUA and OpenSSL

Integration Instructions

1.Download the connector kit provided by Radware Bot Manager Support
2.Place "shieldquare.lua" and "shieldsquare-spoe.cfg" in a dir. (Please do not change the order of args in shieldsquare-spoe.cfg)
3.Edit "shieldsquare.lua" file to configure SID and mode as below:

– Subscriber ID assigned after registration. 
local _sid = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

– _mode (set 'false' for Monitor mode and 'true'for Active mode)
local _mode = false;

4.Edit HAProxy config file to do the following:

In global section 

lua-load <path to>/shieldsquare.lua

In frontend section

filter spoe engine shieldsquare config <path to>/shieldsquare-spoe.cfg
http-response lua.shieldsquare_response
http-response set-header ShieldSquare-Response %[var(]

Add a new backend as below:
backend ss-backend
mode tcp
timeout server 1m
server ss-cfm check maxconn 10

'' is the Radware Bot Manager the endpoint to receive data. You can check with Radware Bot Manager Support for the optimal endpoint location based on your environment.

5. Restart HAproxy service and verify Radware Bot Manager Integration in the Radware Bot Manager portal's 'Verify Integration' page. 

Now Radware Bot Manager integration is successful in Monitor mode. To learn more about Monitor and Active mode, click here. Upon successful integration verification, Radware Bot Manager Support will help you with instructions to switch to Active mode. 

Write to for any clarifications.